Transport On Koh Lanta Island
Transport On Koh Lanta Island

Transport On Koh Lanta Island
Transport On Koh Lanta Island. Finally, you are where you want and need to be: you are on Koh Lanta Yai. The question now is what to do and how to get there. Will you explore the island’s plethora of activities or will you take that long needed and deserved rest? The beauty of your situation is—you can do both.
Koh Lanta is about relaxation. The island’s “speed” ranges from strolls on the beach, elephant trekking or rowed long boat tours, and should top out at about thirty miles an hour on the island’s preferred travel mode: scooters.
Three Main Districts
Though Koh Lanta Yai is the largest island in the Koh Lanta archipelago, its approx. 6 by 30 kilometers is a very doable journey for the visitor, and byways will soon be well worn paths for those who chose to make their home on this island nirvana.
Koh Lanta has three main “districts”. The North West coast, with its famed white sand beaches. The southern tip; its interior a rainforest rich with wild life, caves and waterfalls, and the Mu Ko Lanta National Park headquarters and lighthouse. All accessible by foot path, scooter and elephant.
Finally, the eastern coast: here lies the Sea Gypsy village, Sang-Kha-Ou and Chinese Muslim, Lanta Old town, abounding with tradition, antique architecture and ancient rituals. Lanta old town caters to visitors with shopping, tours and traditional Thai and international gastronomic delicacies.

Transport On Koh Lanta Island
Rhythms of Island Life
This area has seen some conscientious development and is an excellent region for investment and residence if your vision of life is beauty, and peace with all the modern conveniences, and the fun and commerce of a bustling vacation spot with in 30 minutes from your door.
Once your biorhythm has downshifted to the rhythms of island life…and it will… you’ll want to explore. A grand and easy way to see the island is by tuk-tuk (motor taxi). There are two styles: an enclosed abbreviated truck, or a motorbike with a sidecar. The driver will know how to get anywhere you want to go; you can sit back and enjoy while supporting the local economy. A driver with a numbered vest indicates legal registry with the police and they’re likely to have a standard price sheet. Agree on a price for your journey before you embark.

Transport On Koh Lanta Island
If you are of a more independent nature, you may choose to rent a scooter. There’s a paved road that runs the western length of the island and three crossroads to popular areas on the eastern side.
Scooters are available for rent at resorts and tour agencies. Examine your vehicle before your leave and report any damage to the agent.
Wear a helmet; there are fines for skipping this safety precaution.
Car Rental
Car rental, namely four wheel drive trucks and jeeps, are available and likely cheaper than a tuk-tuk for all day travel . It’s a good option for groups, families or for travel to unpaved areas. You can find them in tour shops and resorts. Make sure your vehicle is properly insured.
On the island’s Eastern Coast you will find a pristine mangrove forest. Slide through this primordial wood in kayaks or book a long boat tour.
There are also many wonderful hiking trails, stroll, “scoot”, or book an elephant trek into these glorious realms.
Many will question the humane implications of this tradition. It’s a valid question and one that only you can answer for yourself.
Though their customs may not coincide with your idea of humane treatment, the elephant driver’s livelihoods depend on this longstanding occupation.
However you decide to explore the wondrous Koh Lanta, keep it slow, be safe, and be respectful of the land, the culture and the people. You will be rewarded.